Jacaranda Journal Launch

Jacaranda Journal Launch

An evening at the Avid Reader launched Edition 11.1 of Jacaranda, a journal headquartered by the University of Queensland. This edition includes works of fiction, poetry, photography and creative non-fiction from artists across the country. The theme this year was 'Exposed Roots' which symbolises how creative expression can unearth meanings from the mundane. 

'Roots are a source of strength and stability. They can be fine as hairs or powerful enough to break through concrete. They dig deep. They reach out, and grasp, and hold. 

Roots are powerful metaphors. They are origins that connect us to family, that carry us back to our country, that carry water and nutrients and knowledge. They anchor us in soil, culture, and history. Yet, for the most part, unless disturbed by a flood, a photograph, an unexpected question, or an intentional unearthing, they remain buried. What could it mean to expose them?

This edition of Jacaranda Journal includes works of poetry, creative nonfiction, and short fiction from emerging and established writers who responded to this question of exposition. The Jacaranda editorial team have selected works that reflect this notion of 'Exposed Roots' through the exploration of identity, ancestry, ecology, gender, language, sexuality, longing, and more. This edition showcases written pieces from some of Australia's best up and coming talent who lay bare the intricacies of unearthing the human experience through creative writing and expression.'

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